Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The adventures of Alex Jaeger in Costa Rica!

First Real Costa Rican Weekend
Today we as a group visited Volcán Arenal, a volcano about 3 hours from our hotel here in San Pedro. It was a little expensive just because we had to all take a coach bus to and from the hotel, and we got lunch, dinner, breakfast buffet style at the hotel, and we booked it through a tour company because we were going to all be going. But I personally think it was definitely worth it for the first big trip to take. Because it was so easy, we just had to get to the bus at 6am (which kinda sucked) and meet at the front desk at the right times for our events, which I did kind of skimp on because I was so excited to take a relaxing weekend (and I’m cheap) and I am so glad that I did.
In the morning I signed up for the hanging bridges tour (pics to come), which was so much fun. There were 8 of us, but we kind of split up into 2 groups of 4, which was really nice because the 4 of us in our group were all fine with the pace we were going. We took a bunch of pictures of the bridges, the wildlife and the views; we took our time and just had a relaxing walk, until we came to the waterfalls. We stopped at the first waterfall for like 15-20 minutes and again took a bunch of cool pictures and enjoyed the view, and then spent like 20-30 minutes at the second waterfall because we decided to take our shoes off and wade in the water, at least us girls did. And it was so much fun. And it was really refreshing because it was a very hot and humid day and the cold water was so nice. We almost waded under the waterfall, but the rain looked like it was about to hit us and the sun was being covered, and we didn’t want to freeze for the second half of our walk. Soon thereafter we realized that we were half way through in distance, and we only had 30 minutes left to get back to catch our ride back to the hotel (and it had taken us 2:15 to get to that point). So we started running, there is a nice video of that, if it ever surfaces, because I wasn’t the one who took the photo. And we had to run for like 4 minutes straight uphill. That’s when we took our first break :P. Then we walked to the more or less top of that particular hill, and started running from there again, and surprisingly, none of us fell, even though we were running up and down mini dips and hills, and through mini streams (like as in the trail was the stream, not like it crossed the path). We got back like 10 minutes after we were supposed to get back, but it didn’t really matter because the ziplining group still hadn’t gotten back and the bus goes on their schedule, and not ours because we didn’t have an official tour guide, we guided ourselves (hence why it took so long for us to hike…) Moral of the story, we ran like 1.5 miles up and down a mountain for no reason, if we just hadn’t taken any more photos (which we didn’t anyways because we were running, well maybe like 1 or 4), we would have made it to the end no problem, we even had enough time to take a leisurely stroll through the butterfly garden and cool down a little before entering the hot as balls bus-thing back to the hotel. And we got out of there at the perfect time, because like right in the middle of the drive back to the hotel it started raining (like it does pretty much every day at like 1 or 2).
Also hadn’t eaten since like 8am, and we had just hiked in the Costa Rican humidity, I was so tired and hungry, and so happy for the delicious buffet they had for us. And right after lunch, it was time for an epic hike, that I was so not prepared for. We went off on our hike thinking it would just be a short little trail around the hotel, oh were we wrong.
So the trail started pretty smoothly, pretty straight and flat, with these weird like cement things that were supposed to provide traction, which I am sure they did when they were new, but they were like all mossy n shit, and well kind of slippery. And so dangerous, especially because we were like at the edge of the cliff… then we got to this really sketchy slim part, and we had to take it slowly, but no one fell, I might have twisted my ankle a tince, but it was no big deal. Finally, the downed tree, and this takes a lot of explanation, and you might not get it but, bear with me. So the path kind of zigzagged down this steep cliff thing. So we got over the tree once up near the base where it was mainly only trunk and a few vines, jumped off of it onto a super skinny branch and it cracked and scared the crap out of my and I scraped my ankle, but all and all not bad. Then Cori made it over, then Mariel got on it and I decided that maybe I should be smart and check the rest of the trail to see if we could get down it farther before we made her climb over it, and it looked like we couldn’t because the tree crossed the tree two more times (here is where the zigzag thing comes in, so we crossed once, did a little U-turn thing, but still decline, and then we got blocked again by the tree, and beyond the tree the path U-turned again and was cut off by the tree again). So, we could see the trail, down a very steep mudslide type-thingy, and were contemplating going back, but then we kind of were just like screw it, there are enough trees to hold onto, because our footing was going to suck because it was soft mud that gave way real easily and we would have slipped down had we not had hand holds. This is when I almost killed Cori because I was slipping and tried to grab a rock that I thought was much deeper in the group, turned out it was just lying on the surface, and I set it lose and it fell like right in front of her as she was moving out of the way so that she wouldn’t get hit by a rock we might dredge up… but it missed, so all is good. So we all had to like buttslide down this thing and grab our trees with care, and then kind of like hope for the best at the end and just slide to the solid ground and hope to land without rolling farther :P (it’s cool because I’m alive to write this :P). So that was the hardest part, but at the same time we didn’t really know how to get to this waterfall we could hear, or how to get back to the hotel, because we clearly couldn’t make it back up that path. So we just started following the waterfall and finally made it, by the time we got there we were so sweaty, tired and dirty that finding the water and the waterfall was like the greatest thing ever! And naturally we had hiked in our bathing suits so we went swimming and took some pictures at the waterfall, it was so much more beautiful and satisfying because it was such a journey just to get there :). But then my camera died, so I got one pick of me and that was it, but it’s cool because you can’t exactly take a picture of the emotions that come with a landscape, and that really was the best part. We felt like we had finally found the “real” Costa Rica, the “oh, we just went for a hike and found a waterfall” Costa Rica. So we swam around for a bit, enjoyed the views, enjoyed the water and the falls and the rapids. It was awesome
Anyways, we had found a trail back up on the way down, it was the horse trail from the hotel to the river, so it was an easy, though still tiring because it was steep, hike back up to the hotel. At that point it was like 5pm and I was sooo tired I like almost passed out when I got back to my hotel. We went to the hotel bar and played so pool for an hour or so, and dinner wasn’t until like 8:30 so we just sat around trying to stay awake until dinner. Basically as soon as dinner was over I went back to my room and passed out.
This morning I opted out of doing an activity and got my tan on! It was awesome! Now imma be so tan when I get back to the States! :P But the bus ride sucked because now my back hurts like nobody’s business and I am in so much pain! So tomorrow to the gym to try to exercise my back out of pain… the ride back was so scary as well because we were in this big ass bus, and going around these sharp turns that ended in cliffs, and I happened to be awake the whole time watching out the window… yay!
Happy to be back, but not happy about the fact that my back is entirely erupting in pain, hopefully it feels better soon :/
Missing everyone!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Katie Fitton and Hurricane Sandy!!!

Today is seriously the perfect writing weather, so I figured I would step in and write an entry. I am currently lounging on my couch in my living room, surrounded with blankets, candles, and homemade hot chocolate. I love it, and how cozy and relaxed I feel. The only reason I am here right now rather than sitting in class is due to WPI’s decision shut down campus in preparation for Hurricane Sandy. I’ll take it. 

This term academically has been off to a slow start. This was due to change today, which would have been that slap in the face of homework and project changes that everyone gets at the beginning of each term (I see you all nodding your heads in agreement). This week is also the beginning of recruitment, and while recruitment is one of my favorite parts of being an Alpha Gam, it still takes out a lot of time and energy from my day. Even though classes have not been crazy yet, this past week personally/emotionally has not been a fun one for me. I felt drained coming into today, rather than rested from the weekend. I was nervous that I would have a hard time handling the load with everything else being steadily added to my plate.

But, today was cancelled. I get a free pass to rest. For once it is actually encouraged that I stay in my apartment for the day. I do not feel like I am stealing time to do this, or that I am not worthy of having this break. This is the biggest relief that I could have hoped for. Some of you might get this, and others of you might just think I am crazy for saying this. But for those that understand, read on.

So, now that I’m done rambling about my schedule, my life, blah blah blah… I’m hitting the main point of my post. Before writing this post, I did not plan on resting much today. I was going to be doing homework and cooking and cleaning and laundry and letter writing and then maybe take an hour of well-deserved rest. In general, I still struggle with feeling guilty when I “steal” time from my daily schedule to rest. For this reason, I only fill my Google calendar with mandatory classes and meetings. Optional ones do not make the list. Otherwise I would feel stressed if I were to miss it. Much of my “unscheduled” time is still dedicated to being busy. 

I believe this is a problem that all high-achieving women struggle with. That basically encompasses the whole female population at WPI. Fill your schedule with activities to feel validated. Feel guilty when you miss a commitment or do not perform as well as expected, even if you have a reasonable excuse. In your head it is not reasonable, and you just feel like you are letting down everyone else. The last thing we want to hear is that this is actually the case, that we really are disappointing those around us. This confirms our fears and our suspicions, that we cannot live up to what we want ourselves to be. Eventually we start cutting into the time that ACTUALLY matters: our meals, our sleep schedule, our time with loved ones, our exercise routine, our overall health and well-being. I cannot stress this enough. Mainly because I have not listened to myself enough… my head and heart never like being in total agreement it seems. 

Maybe this all is not just something I need to learn. It is something that I need to consciously think about every single day, and commit myself to acting out on a daily basis. This is why my close friends feel like I harp on this issue a lot, because it IS something that should be considered every single day. If I continue busying myself until I have no time to take care of myself, then how can I expect to live a long, healthy life? I only have one body to work with, so I might as well make sure that I keep it in good condition.

But then here is the scary part: things have to start coming off the schedule. I have to start considering my priorities, and I have to turn away from some things that are important, but not totally necessary. This literally is confronting the fear of failure up close and personal. It may actually look to everyone else like I am failing, and I am quitting, which is what I was fearing all along, right? Everyone is different. Someone else’s priorities are not the same as mine. But those who are important will understand that I am taking care of myself, even if they do not agree with my priorities. I would not resign unless it was necessary.

My priorities are my loved ones, my morals, my health, and the quality of my efforts towards others and in my work, probably in that order. I believe that every Alpha Gam has these priorities too (we all love our Purpose), though there will be some variety across the board. Let us possess high ideals and attain SOMEWHAT unto them. Let us cherish our friends and invest time into our relationships. Let us gain wisdom. Let us prize health and vigor of body. Let us honor our home. Let us contribute to the world’s work. We can do all of these things, but maybe not in the way we think we can. Sacrificing one will not allow us to attain what we want. Our self-validation is not achieved by trying harder; it is achieved by being true to ourselves and focusing on our priorities, instead of focusing on our material goals. To thine own self be true.


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tribute to the Gradamacated!

Beth Storie's (2013) take on graduation :D


This past weekend ( i know it closer to this coming weekend, leave me alone) our lovely seniors gradamacated! And we got seniormacated... or thats what I like to call it. They all looked great showing off in their black robes with their red Alpha Gamma Delta stoles. SO PROUD of you all I know each and every one of you are off to do great big things in  this world. We just hope you show up occasionally to brag about it so then we can brag about you! The ceremony was long but only because we couldn't wait to see each sister walk across that stage to get their diploma for their various degrees. Each and every one of them smiling, and most likely getting their picture taken by me standing creepily on the side just before they walked up to get that important peice of paper that says "I'm capable of holding a job see someone gave me a degree!" However I'm sure you all deserved it!

We're going to miss you all terribly and we love you. You've helped all of us grow. We've learned to trust better, have fun, be studious, and enjoy life all at the same time. You've helped us understand the true meaning of friendship and sisterhood, that sometimes it take a little more than hardwork and determination and that a little bit of laughing and crying does the soul some good. Through you we have learned that sisterhood is more than a phrase used to describe a group of amazing women, its an unexplainable bond through which you share with many amazing women. You've been there for all of us and we will always be here for you! Whether you need a break from the stressful real world, want to relive your college days, or just visit cause you love and miss us (you know its true!), we will always be here for you!

We love you gradamacated seniors!

Emily Anness' welcome back!!!!

Welcome back, ladies!
I hope everyone enjoyed a crisp fall break and safely returned to WPI revitalized and smiling. I know for sure that all of you will conquer The B-Term. For those who are away, I’m very happy that you arrived safe and sound. Soak in the culture and have a blast! Be curious and open, and keep your chin up – even the overwhelming aspects of projects and traveling are valuable experiences. 
Before winter hits Worcester, rake yourself a pile of leaves and jump in it. Have you seen how bright the leaves are this year? Holy canolli, Batman. Hurricane Sandy will swing by next week, leaving us snow and hail. You know what? Whatevah. When Worcester gives you raw weather, make hot cocoa and chill with your sisters instead. And, we have the holidays to look forward to- who doesn’t have love Alpha Gam Thanksgiving? Or our ugly sweater party?
A huge thank you goes out to Louisa King, who steadfastly guided us through a successful Polish Week. We left Higgins House buffed with confidence and pep for Formal Recruitment. I know this week was rough, but stay in good spirits. We will soon be getting to know wonderful young women, and they will get to know us as well.
Congratulations to our three new initiates, Jessie Sacks, Robyn Lindsay and Danielle LaRose. I’m psyched to have you as new sisters! I know you will do great as Alpha Gams.
Not that you guys need it, but best of luck in B-Term. Be confident, be good, and have fun!